
Wartburg is a city located in Morgan County, Tennessee. As of the 2010 census, the city has a population of 918. It is the county seat of Morgan County. The city is located on the Tennessee River. Located near Nashville, Wartburg is a popular tourist destination. learn more

The median age of residents in Wartburg, TN is 34.5 years. This figure includes native-born citizens and people who immigrated to the United States. Foreign-born residents in Wartburg are on average 28 years old. Interestingly, however, the median age of residents is decreasing. The city's residents are increasingly younger than in the past.

The median income of residents in Wartburg, TN is $39,250, which is higher than the national average of 93.4%. However, compared to neighboring and parent geographies, Wartburg, TN has a slightly lower average income. Nonetheless, Wartburg, TN residents are more likely to be US citizens than other Americans.

The median income for households in Wartburg, TN is $36,207, which is lower than the median income of $64,994 in the United States. In 2019, Wartburg's median income was $39,250. This represents a -0.775 percent increase over the previous year. The top-earning industries in Wartburg, TN include Health Care & Social Assistance, Transportation & Wartilities, and Public Administration.

The median property value in Wartburg, TN is $124,100. The median home value in the area is higher than the national average and the homeownership rate is 42.3%. The average commute time for Wartburg, TN residents is 25.1 minutes, and most commuters drive alone. The median household has three cars.

The city was established in 1845, and was named after the Wartburg Castle in Germany. Today, residents of Wartburg dream of building a replica of the castle. In 1845, fifteen Swiss and German families settled in the area. In 1851, the town was incorporated. The German and Swiss immigrants named the settlement Wartburg.

People in Wartburg, TN commute to work primarily by car. Unlike most other ZIP codes, Wartburg, TN residents spend less than half an hour commuting to work. That may be due to traffic or living in a location far from work. If you are in a hurry to get to work, UPS Alliance Shipping Partners in Wartburg can help. These facilities also accept return packages and redirected shipments.

The median household income in Wartburg is $36,027. While this may seem like a lot of money, it is not everything. Residents of this area earn less than their neighbors. If you live in Wartburg, you'll likely need to work harder to improve your income. The average household size in Wartburg, TN is 2.12 people. Next article


Point of Interest #1 Scenic River Inn Motel, 915 Main St, Wartburg, TN 37887

Point of Interest #2 Morgan County Clerk, 415 N Kingston St, Wartburg, TN 37887

Point of Interest #3 Platinum Fitness, 728 Main St, Wartburg, TN 37887

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