
Wartburg is a city located in Morgan County, Tennessee. According to the 2010 census, the population of the city was 918. It is the county seat of Morgan County. The city is located on the banks of the Tennessee River. The city is home to many small businesses and a variety of restaurants. more

The median property value in Wartburg is $124,100. The median price is up from $103,000 to $124,100. The median property value is high; in 2020, it is projected to rise to $124,100. The homeownership rate is 42.3% and the average commute time is 25.1 minutes. Nearly 50% of people in the Wartburg area commute alone. There are 3 cars per household.

Income inequality in Wartburg is low. While males make more than females in Tennessee, the income disparity is much lower than the national average. Despite this, the average income for households in Wartburg is still considerably lower than that of its neighbors and parent regions. In fact, the GINI of Wartburg, TN is 0.475% lower than that of its neighboring cities.

The median age in Wartburg, TN is 34.5 years old. Native-born citizens are slightly older at 36. On the other hand, the median age among foreign-born residents is lower at 28.7%. However, the citizenship rate is higher than that of parent and neighbor geographies. Residents of Wartburg, TN are predominantly white. The median household income in the city is $36,207. Those with a bachelor's degree are more likely to be white.

Wartburg is located in Morgan County, Tennessee. The city is the county seat of the county and the 295th largest city in Tennessee. The city's population is falling at a -0.83% annual rate, and it has decreased by 1.65% since the last census. The city has a population density of 825 people per square mile.

Whether you're shipping a personal package or a business shipment, you'll find the right service in Wartburg. Full-service shipping options are available in Wartburg, and UPS Alliance Shipping Partners can offer you professional shipping advice and shipping supplies to help you ship your items. There are numerous UPS Access Point(r) locations throughout the city that make shipping easy and convenient.

The city has a relatively low rate of foreign-born residents. Only 10% of residents migrated to another country in the last five years. In addition, the median house value is below the state average. The percentage of people with a bachelor's degree is also below the state average. The median age of residents is 42 years old.

The median household income in Wartburg is $36,027. This is higher than the national average but not above the state's average. Nevertheless, it is important to note that money is not everything in the world. However, it is a necessary condition for living a happy life. Next


Point of Interest #1 WECO, 305 Church St, Wartburg, TN 37887

Point of Interest #2 First Baptist Church, 308 Maiden St, Wartburg, TN 37887

Point of Interest #3 Davis Insurance Group, 316 Eliza St, Wartburg, TN 37887

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  • Knoxville, TN 37921
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